
I Got The Fever

…… for the 50,000 words that are NaNoWriMo.  My masochistic thanks to Digital Dame for getting me into this creative mess two years ago.  I did not “win” that year — only got to 28K words, but it gave me the strength to believe it could be done.  Last year I couldn’t do it, but I kept the flame alive and am going to make the attempt for 2011.  The NaNo folks say you should tell as many people as possible that you are crazy enough to try to squeeze enough time into each day to write 1,666 words.  Like dieting, you’ll feel more accountable for both the misery (and self-righteousness) during the exercise.  So I’m letting my half-dozen blog followers know so you can cheer me on or pelt me with virtual produce should I fall short.  My own family tries to ignore me in the hopes that I’ll doing something more in line with their own self-interest, but I know they really support anything I do that will keep me off the streets.

I’m feeling a little shy, but I will tell you that my story is about a group of superheros who are hiding in plain sight.   These fearless Guardians are always on the look-out for new recruits, and that is where the story begins….. because I haven’t thought any further than that yet.  


6 thoughts on “I Got The Fever

  1. i am happy and eager to support you, but am frankly a little intrigued about your life “on the streets”??? now THAT might make for some interesting reading?!?!?

  2. Hahaha, I take full responsibility for recruiting you 🙂 Superheroes, that’s really cool! And not what I would have expected, which is also cool. People were shocked when I revealed I was writing a vampire novel, and I was a little embarrassed at first to admit it, but I’ve gotten over that and fully embrace my undead loves. I am more than a little in love with my MC.

    This is going to be a blast, I missed being part of it last year. I need to get some write-ins organized, no one seems to be doing anything concrete about it in my area.

    1. I may not be able to attend any of my local write-ins, but keep me posted on yours. It might be fun to join you via the magic of the Internets — the time difference would be an added measure of excitement for me.

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